Police Interview Quiz

This Police Interview booklet accompanies the TACIT toolkit (our quick-reference training product, available at tacit.org.uk/toolkit/). It is written in an accessible, user-friendly style for professionals such as police officers that conduct interviews and interpreters that work for the police when they undertake interview with people whose first language is not English.

It provides direct and easy access to the latest research findings by the TACIT team relevant for professional practice. The TACIT team operates in the UK though the data for research come from both the UK and the US (see TACIT Publications website: tacit.org.uk/publications/).

You can download the Police Interviews Booklet here.

10-Minute, 10-Question Quiz

Police Interview Quiz
1. All interpreters want as much briefing about the case as possible. *
2. Interpreters should also brief officers in some cases. *
3. Interviewees should be asked to have shorter answers so that interpreters can interpret. *
4. Negative questions and complex questions are harder to deal with for both the interpreter and the interviewee. *
5. It is good practice to use something the interviewee has previously said as proof of inconsistency and in order to accuse him/her of lying. *
6. Any mitigation in conversation is better than aggravation because aggravation can lead to the interviewee shutting down and answering no comment. *
7. This is an example of wrong empathy: “you must have been very afraid” *
8. Language differences are problematic but are not likely to cause severe misunderstanding so I should not worry much about them. *
9. Both the police officers and the interpreters should be able to interrupt the communication flow if there is no clarity or ambiguity in what needs to be translated. *
10. “If you had known your friend has been in trouble with the police before, why did you not check what was in the bag before you took it to that friend’s place, where the police later found it?” *

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